Tool Library

We have a wide selection of all kinds of tools, from table saws to jackhammers to pressure washers and more, so borrowing a tool from us is a great alternative to buying it or renting it from a big box store.

The Matthew 25 Tool Library is a collection of tools and supplies made available to community members and organizations to maintain and improve their homes, gardens and communities.

Get affordable access to tools for your home, garden, and maintenance projects through the Matthew 25 Tool Library. You’ll find everything from drywall jacks to ladders, saws to rakes, pliers to tile saws. 

Tool Library Inventory

Who Can Use the Tool Library?

Affordable tool rentals are available to anyone 18-years-old or older. We strive to be the most affordable option for quality tools. Free memberships are available for all.

Check-Out Policies

Small tools, hand tools and larger more expensive tools have a low daily fee. Tool rentals can be as short as a day, and reservations can be made online. Tools need to be returned as soon as you are finished with them so we can get them back into circulation. Some safety training is available upon request. 

Late fees apply on a per day basis, if tools are not returned.  Tools can be returned during normal Tool Library hours.  

For hand tools not listed in the inventory, please add request to the notes/comments section at checkout. 

To view tool availability and check out tools, you must establish an online account. For faster checkouts, go to your account settings and store your credit/debit card securely with our online payment processor.  If unable to pay by credit card, pay at the front desk during pickup hours. 


Free memberships are available to all and are required to check out any tool.